200 Butler St., Suite 207 West Palm Beach, FL 33407

Why Choose Lawrence P. Buck?

You are not defined or labeled by the present situation or circumstances you or a loved one may be in. Every effort is made to understand how, or what, or why, you or your loved one find yourself in your present situation and what can be done to fix the problem now and for the future. You are not a commodity and there is no “cookie cutter” approach to resolving your case. Your case receives individualized attention and individualized treatment. No two cases are alike because no two people are alike and therefore no two solutions are alike. Lawrence P. Buck has a passion for what he does and his practice is more than just a way to make a living.

“It is the spirit and not the form of law that keeps justice alive.”

— Earl Warren
Chief Justice U. S. Supreme Court 1953- 1969

Why Choose Lawrence P. Buck …because he cares and will leave no stone unturned.